When is national naked gardening day 2022?

POSTED ON April 26, 2022 BY Galena Lawn Care
World Naked Gardening Day is on the 7th of May Yes, you heard it right. There is a national naked gardening day. It is celebrated on the 1st Saturday of May every year. This year, World Naked Gardening Day is on the 7th of May. People worldwide are waiting to celebrate it with great fun […]

Can aeration and seeding be done in the spring?

POSTED ON March 29, 2022 BY Galena Lawn Care
Should you or should you not aerate the grass lawn? Let’s get answers Spring brings lots of positivity and wellness. It is the ideal time to grow plants and sow seeds. But can aeration and seeding be done in the spring? The simple answer is Yes! You can aerate during the bright and sunny periods of the […]

When is the Best Time to Aerate and Overseed Your Lawn in Ohio?

POSTED ON March 3, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
Everyone wants a healthy lawn. Although it may seem like a distant memory right now, a green, healthy yard is staple of the American summer. To achieve a lush lawn, homeowners need to do some work before the winter completely sets in. Having a lawn aeration and overseeding in Galena, Ohio is crucial for property. […]

Ways to Green Your Garden on Earth Day 2020

POSTED ON February 15, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
The Earth Day comes only once every year. It brings with it opportunities and reasons to give back to the planet something in return for its bounty that sustains us through the year. If you have some things planned out this year to celebrate the Earth’s Day, make sure greening your garden is among them. […]

Protect Your Grounds from Groundhogs This Groundhog Day

POSTED ON February 1, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
There are few things more frustrating than to find the planting beds in your garden that you spent days preparing massacred by groundhogs. Birds, raccoons, bugs and woodchucks, are known to wreak havoc in lawns and yards, but there is no wild animal that is a bigger nuisance than a ground hog. Quick and energetic, […]

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