Ways to Green Your Garden on Earth Day 2020

POSTED ON February 15, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
The Earth Day comes only once every year. It brings with it opportunities and reasons to give back to the planet something in return for its bounty that sustains us through the year. If you have some things planned out this year to celebrate the Earth’s Day, make sure greening your garden is among them. […]

Protect Your Grounds from Groundhogs This Groundhog Day

POSTED ON February 1, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
There are few things more frustrating than to find the planting beds in your garden that you spent days preparing massacred by groundhogs. Birds, raccoons, bugs and woodchucks, are known to wreak havoc in lawns and yards, but there is no wild animal that is a bigger nuisance than a ground hog. Quick and energetic, […]

Things to Consider when Choosing a Lawn Care Company in Ohio

POSTED ON January 28, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
A beautiful home deserves to have a beautiful lawn. Although pretty to look at, a perfect lawn demands a lot of cumbersome chores, as anybody who has ever owned a house would know. Lawn maintenance is a perpetual pain that leaves little room for slacking or relaxing. The only way to get away is to […]

How Often Should You Cut Your Grass in Ohio

POSTED ON January 18, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
Up north, Ohio receives a good amount of snow and rain whereas down south, the weather is moderate with occasional rain and snow. That makes caring for lawns a seasonal job for most homeowners. Since snow is common in winter in all parts of the state, lawn maintenance is more of a thing of spring […]

Easy Ways to Dress up The Trees in Your Landscape

POSTED ON January 2, 2020 BY Galena Lawn Care
Lawns love trees. Unlike dwarf specimens that only contribute to chromatic enhancements, large trees add color, design and texture to a landscape. But trees alone won’t do. The tall trunk, the heavy branches, the dense canopy too need a little dressing up. Luckily, there are some easy ways of doing that, and you don’t need […]

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