Reasons to Book Tree Removal and Trimming Service

POSTED ON December 11, 2018 BY Galena Lawn Care
Trees are beautiful and strong structures that enhance the look and landscape of any property they stand on. They provide beautiful blossoms in the spring, cooling shade in the summer, and their leaves are great to pile up and jump in when they fall in the autumn. Unfortunately, trees can grow unsightly and become sick […]

Most Efficient Methods of Lawn Mowing

POSTED ON November 16, 2018 BY Galena Lawn Care
Mowing your lawn is a necessary part of home ownership. The process is time-consuming but must be taken care of. To maintain a neat and healthy landscape, there are several best practices to consider. The main objective of mowing your lawn is to upkeep its appearance. Use a wide lawn mower that is reliable and […]

Different Types of Outdoor Landscape Installations

POSTED ON October 11, 2018 BY Galena Lawn Care
Landscaping is a great way to ensure the best use of your property year-round. Whether a new installation or just well-maintained yard, our Galena landscape company can help you get the most out of your property. What is a Landscape Installation? It’s easiest to think of landscape installations like additions on your home. However, instead […]

When Is The Best Time To Aerate Your Lawn?

POSTED ON September 19, 2018 BY Galena Lawn Care
As seasons change, the age old debate remains surrounding the best time of the year to aerate your lawn. For those unaware, lawn aeration involves perforation which allows air, water and beneficial nutrients to penetrate the roots of your soil. Some key benefits that accompany lawn aeration include root growth, drought tolerance, and the prevention […]

Reasons to Book Tree Removal and Trimming Service Sunbury Ohio

POSTED ON August 13, 2018 BY Galena Lawn Care
Trees are beautiful and strong structures that enhance the look and landscape of any property they stand on. They provide beautiful blossoms in the spring, cooling shade in the summer, and their leaves are great to pile up and jump in when they fall in the autumn. Unfortunately, trees can grow unsightly and become sick […]

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